Wikileaks and the Empire
What Wikileaks is doing is unmasking the "Empire,"
a global collusion between corrupt businesses and corrupt governments. These
two enterprises enrich and support each other not through legitimate capitalist
market transactions, but through sweetheart deals that subvert the open
competitive market and fleece taxpayers through higher taxes and higher prices
for everything.
Eisenhower warned against the "military-industrial
complex" which was what he termed the "Empire" as it developed
after WW2. The net effect is that governments no longer exist for the benefit
of the people, and in our case, no longer to "secure the blessings of
So governments start wars, help set up unsustainable
businesses that go bankrupt, funnel money in certain directions, create
regulations that benefit certain interests, all sorts of things we call
"crony capitalism." All the while delegitimizing traditional
citizenship and restricting liberty to maintain power
So, yes, if elected, Hillary will be the "Empress." Her leaked
e-mails, the “pay to-play” “donations” to the Clinton Foundation, and her Wall St. speech payola show who the empire is and how it
works. The Republican establishment who didn't get one of their own empire
candidates and now in effect are supporting Hillary. GOP leaders like the Bushes,
McConnells, Ryans, Kascich, George Will, etc. - reveal that they are completely
in bed with and a part of the empire and their ideological differences with Democrats have
largely been a charade all along.